Wednesday, February 5, 2025

12 Leagues to Averoigne #18

Happy 132nd Birthday Clark
18th issue of 12 Leagues to Averoigne (contained in TriAPA #18)

NOTE: 12 Leagues is designed to be a tri-fold pamphlet. So the columns are out of order if you read them as a normal magazine. Please read in the order indicated by the numbers at the top of the columns.

18th issue of the TriAPA mailing

Monday, January 13, 2025

12 Leagues to Averoigne #17

Carterization Part Deux
17th issue of 12 Leagues to Averoigne (contained in TriAPA #17)

NOTE: 12 Leagues is designed to be a tri-fold pamphlet. So the columns are out of order if you read them as a normal magazine. Please read in the order indicated by the numbers at the top of the columns.

17th issue of the TriAPA mailing

Sunday, December 1, 2024

12 Leagues to Averoigne #16

James and Carter
16th issue of 12 Leagues to Averoigne (contained in TriAPA #16)

NOTE: 12 Leagues is designed to be a tri-fold pamphlet. So the columns are out of order if you read them as a normal magazine. Please read in the order indicated by the numbers at the top of the columns.

16th issue of the TriAPA mailing

Friday, November 1, 2024

12 Leagues to Averoigne #15

40 Years in the Crypt
15th issue of 12 Leagues to Averoigne (contained in TriAPA #15)

NOTE: 12 Leagues is designed to be a tri-fold pamphlet. So the columns are out of order if you read them as a normal magazine. Please read in the order indicated by the numbers at the top of the columns.

15h issue of the TriAPA mailing

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Strange Shadows Bingo Card

Play the Strange Shadows bingo game, if you dare.

Fill in each square when the subject or theme is mentioned on the podcast,
but multiple squares cannot be filled in from a single mention. So, choose wisely.

A PDF of the bingo card can be downloaded here.

12 Leagues to Averoigne #14

Prince Clark and Carterization
14th issue of 12 Leagues to Averoigne (contained in TriAPA #14)

NOTE: 12 Leagues is designed to be a tri-fold pamphlet. So the columns are out of order if you read them as a normal magazine. Please read in the order indicated by the numbers at the top of the columns.

14h issue of the TriAPA mailing

Saturday, September 7, 2024

12 Leagues to Averoigne #13

Final Art Critic Flame War: Part 4
13th issue of 12 Leagues to Averoigne (contained in TriAPA #13)
Original articles referenced in this month's issue

NOTE: 12 Leagues is designed to be a tri-fold pamphlet. So the columns are out of order if you read them as a normal magazine. Please read in the order indicated by the numbers at the top of the columns.

13th issue of the TriAPA mailing

12 Leagues to Averoigne #18

Happy 132nd Birthday Clark 18th issue of 12 Leagues to Averoigne (contained in TriAPA #18) NOTE: 12 Leagues is designed to be a tri-fold...