Saturday, September 30, 2023

TriAPA Mailing #3 plus Smith Collection pictures

The 3rd issue of the Trigon Amateur Press Association (TriAPA) was published today. It is actively seeking new and varied submissions themed around the Cosmic Horror, Sword and Sorcery, and Space Opera Pulp genres.

You can read more about the TriAPA here

3rd issue of the TriAPA mailing

3rd issue of 12 Leagues to Averoigne (contained in TriAPA #3)

This issue of 12 Leagues to Averoigne focuses on the collection of Clark Ashton Smith items held by the Placer County Archive. Here are Pictures of Smith Collection

NOTE: 12 Leagues is designed to be a tri-fold pamphlet. So the columns are out of order if you read them as a normal magazine. Please read in the order indicated by the numbers at the top of the columns.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

TriAPA Mailing #2

2nd issue of the TriAPA mailing

2nd issue of 12 Leagues to Averoigne (contained in TriAPA #2)

NOTE: 12 Leagues is designed to be a tri-fold pamphlet. So the columns are out of order if you read them as a normal magazine. Please read in the order indicated by the numbers at the top of the columns.

TriAPA Mailing #1

1st issue of the TriAPA mailing

1st issue of 12 Leagues to Averoigne (contained in TriAPA #1)

NOTE: 12 Leagues is designed to be a tri-fold pamphlet. So the columns are out of order if you read them as a normal magazine. Please read in the order indicated by the numbers at the top of the columns.

Welcome to the Smithery

This blog supports my 12 Leagues to Averoigne zine focusing on author, artist and poet, Clark Ashton Smith. I live about 40 miles from the small town where he lived most of his life. So my focus of the zine is to provide Smithery based on my access to the town.

12 Leagues to Averoinge is part of the pulp-themed TriAPA (Trigon Amateur Press Association) published by Spiral Tower Press. Each TriAPA mailing is a collection of amateur zines on a variety of themes centered around the pulp genres of Sword and Sorcery, Cosmic Horror and Space Opera.

In addition to the TriAPA, Spiral Tower also publishes the amateur fiction magazines Whetstone (Sword and Sorcery) and Witch House (Cosmic Horror), and also the scholarly journal the Dark Man: Robert E Howard and Pulp Studies.

Thank you,
Black Cavalier Nils

Strange Shadows Bingo Card

Play the S trange Shadows bingo game, if you dare. Fill in each square when the subject or theme is mentioned on the podcast, but multip...